Online Giving

Your Giving Matters





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Online Giving Service

“Since you excel in so many ways—you have so much faith, such enthusiasm, and such love for us—now I want you to excel also in this gracious ministry of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7 (NLT)

Welcome to CMBC’s Online Giving Service. Online giving is a safe and easy way to support the ministries of Christ Missionary Baptist Church by making a one-time contribution or establishing a recurring contribution. This electronic giving option provides a simple convenient method for giving 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! It saves time! It saves work and it simplifies your life! You can avoid the hassle of writing and remembering checks! It can also help your consistency and faithfulness in giving

Benefits of Online Giving

You can prioritize giving in your budget. The Bible indicates giving is to be a “first” and not a last or leftover matter in my life. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. It is easy to let our standards and intentions be compromised by the press of expenses and billing cycles

You can increase your faithfulness. Have you ever forgotten your gift, left it at home or pledged to double it in the future? Have you had times where you have fallen behind because of travel and other schedule interruptions? Online giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness.
You can help your church. Through online giving, you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting, and strengthen our base of regular support.
You can encourage faith and faithfulness in the lives of fellow believers. As you plan and prioritize your giving, you will lead the way for others to grow and mature in their spiritual stewardship. Being a forerunner in this new area of planned giving, you can provide personal testimony and example for others to follow.

We greatly appreciate your financial gifts. Your donations are helping support numerous outreach ministries.
“Give, and it shall be given unto you.”